The Friends are NOT currently accepting book donations. Please follow us on Facebook, or check back here to hear when we will begin accepting donations again. Thank you for your generous donations in 2022 to make our Fall Book Sale a success!

The Friends of the Haverford Township Free Library appreciate the donation of books and other materials of value. This policy serves to clarify which items are desirable, acceptable, and useful. Donated items are evaluated according to the same criteria as items purchased by the library, and accepted only with the explicit understanding that they may be retained, discarded, and used at the discretion of the Friends. Please understand that we have to be selective because of storage limitations and the labor involved in sorting the many items; and please keep in mind the health and safety of our volunteers when donating items.

Donated materials may not be left outside the library or in the book drop. Please bring donations into the library during regular business hours.

Please do not place donations in the book or video returns.

  • Criteria for acceptance of book donations

    Items must be in good condition (ie. Books should have covers, no underlining and must not be musty or dirty)

    Items must be suitable for the Library’s collection

    Items must be given without condition

  • Donations Accepted



    Paperback books, both fiction and non-fiction

    Hardcover books, both fiction and non-fiction



    Books on CD

  • Donations NOT Accepted



    Reference Sets


    Books in poor condition (ie. missing pages, without covers, yellowed, musty, water damaged, insect infested, with markings or underlining)



    Outdated informational books